Har lest en del i det siste, det går i disse to bøkene, If Chins Could Kill og Adventure Time Encyclopedia.
If Chins Could Kill er selvbiografien til skuespilleren Bruce Campbell. Den er skrevet på en morsom og vitig måte og er både morsom og interessang på samme tid. En følger Campbell fra barsnben av og fremover i karrieren. CBruce Campbell er ikke den typiske hollywoodskuespilleren og har lite til overs for mye av det Hollywood står for noe vi får vite litt om i boken. En morsom fyr er han også noe som kommer godt frem i boken. Ikek noen kjedelig blasert Hollywoodstjerne som skriver sine memoarer dette her hehe.
Her er hva Bruce Campbell selv sier om boken som også gir en smak på tonen i boken:
Okay, so at least you’re interested enough to pick up this book and look inside. I think you and I are going to get along just fine.
Life is full of choices. Right now, yours is whether or not to buy the autobiography of a mid-grade, kind of hammy actor.
Am I supposed to know this guy? you think to yourself.
No, and that’s exactly the point. Bookstores are chock full of household name actors and their high stakes shenanigans. I don’t want to be a spoilsport, but we’ve all been down that road before.
Case in point: look to your left – see that Judy Garland book? You don’t need that, you know plenty about her already – great voice, crappy life. Now look to your right at the Charlton Heston book. You don’t need to cough up hard-earned dough for that either. You know his story too – great voice, crappy toupee.
The truth is that though you might not have a clue who I am, there are countless working stiffs like me out there, grinding away every day at the wheel of fortune.
If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor is my first book, and I invite you to ride with me through the choppy waters of blue collar Hollywood.
Okay, so buy the damned book already and read like the wind!
Bruce Campbell
P.S. If the book sucks, at least there are gobs of pictures, and they’re not crammed in the middle like all those other actor books.
Adventure Time Encyclopdia er en sprø guide til The and of Oo hvor serien forgeår og tar for seg karakterer, steder og annet fra den vidunderlige serien.
Morsomt er det og at boken er skrevet som en in universe guide, dvs. den er skrevet som om den eksisterer i seriens univers. Forfatteren f.eks er The Lord of Evil som virkelig ikke liker mange av seriens hovedpersoner hehe.
En annen morsom sake er at tre av karakterene i serien har lest igjennom boken og kladdet kommentarer her og der, funny stuff! 😀
Fra baksiden av Adventure Time Encyclopedia:
Written by the Lord of Evil Himself, Hunson Abadeer (a.k.a. Marceline the Vampire Queen’s dad), to instruct and confound the demonic citizenry of the Nightosphere, The Adventure Time Encyclopaedia is perhaps the most dangerous book in history. Although seemingly a guidebook to the Land of Ooo and its postapocalyptic inhabitants, it is in fact an amusing nightmare of literary pitfalls, bombastic brain-boggles, and ancient texts designed to drive the reader mad.
Complete with secret lore and wizard spells, fun places you should visit and places where you will probably die, advice on whom to marry and whom not to marry, and how to make friends and destroy your enemies, this volume includes hand-written marginalia by Finn, Jake, and Marceline.
Arguably the greatest encyclopaedia ever written since the beginning of the cosmos, it is also an indispensable companion to humans and demons who know what time it is: Adventure Time!
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