Da kan Chroma Squad være spillet for deg.
Behold Studios har nemmelig startet opp en kickstarter (utviklere spørr om pengestøtte for å lage spill) for spillet hvor en kontrllerer et Sentai tv studio, som produserer en Power Rangers tv serie.
Power Rangers var litt etter min tid (He-ma nog turtles for the win! :P), men dette virker jo morsomt da, se bare her på noe av det en kan gjøre i spillet:
- Hire and customize your actors.
- Choose their jumpsuit color and their roles on battle.
- Select skills and make your own build of abilities. Each color has its own skill tree of possibilities.
- Buy equipment for your studio, such as cameras, microphones, chromakey carpets and lights to improve your gameplay experience.
- Record episodes and complete seasons.
- Each episode is a mix between tactical turn-based battles, with tons of dialogues, and explosive cinematics.
- You have the lights, the cameras, and of course, you make the action! You control the movement, attack and skills of each of your chromatic party while recording.
- Purchase consumable items and improve your abilities. Example: buy fireworks and gain +1 damage to your attack.
- Create channels and improve your marketing campaigns, sending letters to your fans’ mailboxes, chatting on IRC, going to conventions, and releasing comic books.
- Take care of your fans, in a very cute mini-game, listening to their distinct stories and deciding if they deserve what they’re asking for. Like a little boy who asks to visit the studio, but once you let him, you can’t tell if he might break anything valuable. ;D
- Record episodes with other studios online. Fight for audience in cooperative and competitive modes.
Om en støtter utviklerne med 70kr får en spillet når det er ferdig, som etter panen er i desember i år.
Spillet kommer på pc, mac og Linux først og så ios og android.
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