Det er en 2 delt anime crossover mellom dragon ball, one piece og Toriko på vei.
7 april kan heldige skukeslysne i japan benke seg framfor tv’en og se hvilke morsomheter Goku & co finner på.
Skal bli morsomt dette, ikek ofte vi får nytt dragon ball materiale i disse dager 🙂
Litt om plottet:
The IGO (International Gourmet Organization) is hosting the ?World?s Best Eating Tournament? race. When tournament champion Mister Satan1 serves up the championship prize, Carat Sizzled Cattle, to Luffy, Toriko, Goku, and co., Mansam2 reveals the shocking truth. According to him, the tournament has been held in order to lure out the Deep Sea Glutton, Akami, said to suck out the energy of living things. And then, sensing Luffy and co.?s power, Akami appears from out of the depths of the sea, but? the super killer technique of ?Toriko+Luffy+Goku? (which can only be seen in this collaboration special) explodes!
Sounds like fun, eller hva tror du?
Bilde: kanzenshuu